I am building a system to calculate the area of the image printed so as to make bills from it.
I have strings like-
"Canvas 36.5 X 48 piece-10"
"wallpaper 3"X27" "(some times we use " to refer to inches)
"Banner 49x87 -10"
"14 Vinyl 38 x 9.7"
"wallpaper 3ftX2Ft PC-1"
and so on like these....
I want to filter floats and intergers from the given data in vba so as to calculate areas of the particular.
like in 1st string i want to fetch 36.5 as length and 48 as breath and 10 as piece and so for the others
so far i am using
to get all integers and floats and i use first two variables as length and breath but like in "14 Vinyl 38 x 9.7" the len = 38 and breath=9.7 but the algo says 14 and 38 and it is correct on its way, but i want to get the len and breath based on x between them, this will be the correct way of symbolization for them.
Another approach, looks like it should also work as expected:
import re
def l_b_dims_piece(s):
"""Return a tuple of (length, breadth, dimensions, piece)"""
result = re.findall(r'([\d.]+)\s?(\D{0,2})\s?x\s?([\d.]+)\s?\2?|(\d+)', s, re.IGNORECASE)
piece = 1
l = b = 0
dims = None
for l_, dims_, b_, piece_ in result:
if piece_ != '':
piece = piece_
l, b, dims = l_, b_, dims_.replace('"', 'in', 1)
return l, b, dims, piece
Regex playground for testing: Link