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operator overloading about Abstract class (cpp)

In student.h file

class Student {
  string Name;
  int Stu_num;
  virtual void print() = 0;
  // constructor...

class Grad_Student: public Student {
  string Lab;
  void print();
 // constructor...

class Undergrad_Student: public Student {
  string Major;
  void print();
  // constructor...

in student.cpp file

bool operator == (const Student& x, const Student& y) {
 if (typeid(x) != typeid(y)) return false;
 else // dosomething..

I want to compare child of Student class; Grad and Undergrad. in main.cpp when i comapre two student class, it doesn't work..

Grad_Student grad1 = Grad_Student("Max", 11, "Hubo");
Student *std1 = &grad1;

Grad_Student grad2 = Grad_Student("Max", 11, "Hubo");
Student *std2 = &grad2;

cout << (std1 == std2) << endl; // it always prints 0.
cout << (*std1 == *std2) << endl; 
// I think this line should work, but makes error.
// error: invalid operands to binary expression ('Student' and 'Student')

Should i overload operator== in student class? give me a hint...


  • So, your overloaded equality operator does nothing... You need to compare something in the body and return a boolean result.

    Also, your Undergrad_Student currently doesn't derive from Student.. Furthermore, since you're comparing 2 Student objects you can just make the equality operator overload a member function taking 1 argument.

    Something like this:

    class Student {
        explicit Student( int id )
            : id_{ id }
        { }
        bool operator==( const Student& other ) const {
            return id_ == other.id_;
        virtual void print() const = 0;
        virtual ~Student( ) = default;
        int id_;
    class Grad: public Student {
        explicit Grad( int id )
            : Student{ id }
        { }
        void print() const override {}
    class Undergrad : public Student {
        explicit Undergrad( int id )
            : Student{ id }
        { }
        void print() const override {}
    int main( ) {
        Grad s1{ 11 };
        Undergrad s2{ 12 };
        // Prints false.
        std::cout << std::boolalpha << ( s2 == s1 ) << '\n';
        Grad s3{ 42 };
        Undergrad s4{ 42 };
        // Prints true.
        std::cout << std::boolalpha << ( s3 == s4 ) << '\n';