I am using laravel 8 and vue in my project. using axios for API request and display the output using vue.
All rendered nicely except One field that stored tags as ["leave", "paperless"] in mysql
Tried to render it using the code below
<i class="mdi mdi-tag-text-outline"></i>
<a href="#" v-for="tag in article.tags">
{{ tag }}</a>,
Output is each of character is a link
And this is the html output
<li><i class="mdi mdi-tag-text-outline"></i> <a href="#">
[</a><a href="#">
"</a><a href="#">
l</a><a href="#">
e</a><a href="#">
a</a><a href="#">
v</a><a href="#">
e</a><a href="#">
"</a><a href="#">
,</a><a href="#">
</a><a href="#">
"</a><a href="#">
p</a><a href="#">
a</a><a href="#">
p</a><a href="#">
e</a><a href="#">
r</a><a href="#">
l</a><a href="#">
e</a><a href="#">
s</a><a href="#">
s</a><a href="#">
"</a><a href="#">
Please advise on how to solve this issue.. Thanks
I have solved the problem by adding JSON.parse to the tags as below
<i class="mdi mdi-tag-text-outline"></i>
<a href="#" v-for="tag in JSON.parse(article.tags)">
{{ tag }}</a
Effect is