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How to add Google Adsense to a Svelte/Sapper web app?

I am trying to get AdSense setup in my Sapper built website but I have had no success. I have added the code to the template.html file and it works, but I will like to show this on a specific page using a component.

The goal is to show the Ad in the Resource page, on the sidebar (see image). The widget above it, is a component that is loaded by the index.svelte page, so I'll like to do the same for the Ad.

resource page

At the moment, I have the following:

  • The AdSense script in the template.html file, and then
  • On the component OnMount function, I am grabbing the Adsense code from the template.html file and placing it on the component inside a div, then removing it from the template.html file.


    <!-- GoogleAdsence Script. -->
    <div id="gAdsense-code" style="display: none;">
        <script async src="" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
        <!-- Resource page Ad -->
        <ins class="adsbygoogle"
            (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});



    import { onMount } from 'svelte';

onMount(() => {

        window.addEventListener( 'load', () => {
             //get ads-widget div
            let adWidget = document.getElementById('ads-widget');
            let adCode = document.getElementById('gAdsense-code');
            let adHtml = adCode.innerHTML;

            //append Adsence code from the head on resources index file
            adWidget.innerHTML = adHtml;

<div id="ads-widget"><!-- Adsence code inserted onMount --></div>

This will place the Adsense code in the right place, but the Ad will not display. The error I get on the console is: "adsbygoogle.push() error: No slot size for availableWidth=0" (see image) console error

I have also referenced this article w/o success.

Any help would be greatly appreciated :)


  • After coming across an article that shows how to implement Adsense in React I was able to adapt it to work in Svelte. So, posting the answer in case it helps anyone else:

    1. The loading script should be placed in the template.html file, before the closing body tag


        <script async src="" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
    1. Place the 'adsbygoogle' code inside the component's OnMount() function. But, with a slight modification. Instead of (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle ...) you would do (window.adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle ...)

    2. Also, add the <ins> tag inside the same component after your styles. So the file would look something like this:


           onMount(() => {
          (window.adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});
    <div class="ads-widget-container">
      <ins class="adsbygoogle"
    1. Of course, make sure you import the component where you need to show it.

    And thats all. Hope this helps someone save some time.