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How to query in database to check if Phrase this character exist or not in groovy

I am new in groovy. I am trying to make query in database that if this character for example "099900" contain in database. in general I save in database the string like : "9898989898" but I want to make query that give me all result who's character begin with "98". Any idea?

class AccountNumber {

    static reportable = [columns: ['id', 'number']]

    static mapping = {
        cache false
        table 'accountNumber'
        version false
        id generator: 'identity', column: 'id'
    Integer id;
    String number;



  • The GRAILS way of doing it:

    def accounts = AccountNumber.findByNumberLike("98%")
    // Now you can do something with the returned accounts
    // For example:
    accounts.each { account ->
        println "ID: ${}, NUMBER: ${account.number}"