I'm working on a news blog where you can add as many files to news as you want. For files storing properties, I'm using amazon s3 and django-strorage. But after I've added news-update view, I got some problems with files management.
As you can see, here my files model
class FileStorage(models.Model):
file = models.FileField(upload_to=uploadFile)
upload_path = models.TextField(blank=True, default='files/')
def __str__(self):
return f'Файл: {self.file.name.split("/")[-1]}'
The main problem is how to update FileField after moving the file into another directory?
Here is my files moving script.
bucket = S3Boto3Storage()
from_path = bucket._normalize_name(bucket._clean_name(self.instance.file.name))
to_path = bucket._normalize_name(bucket._clean_name(self.cleaned_data['upload_path']))
result = bucket.connection.meta.client.copy_object(
CopySource=bucket.bucket_name + "/" + from_path,
All works good, but only with path. File in FileField store old path. How can I update it to?
If you want this, just change your file "name" parameter like this:
file.name = "new file path"