I am trying to write code that will decompose a number into its prime factorization. It works so far for even numbers, but when I try an odd number it gets stuck. I don't know why that happens. I don't get an error it just stops doing anything.
The code:
priemwaarde = 100
priemgetallen = []
nonpriemgetallen = []
for x in range(2,priemwaarde):
prime = True
for i in range(2,x):
if x % i == 0:
prime = False
if prime == False:
def PriemFactoren(getal):
factoren = []
a = getal
while a not in priemgetallen:
for priem in priemgetallen:
if a % priem == 0:
a = a / priem
a = int(a)
if getal not in priemgetallen:
return factoren
If you add a print statement or a debug breakpoint within your while
loop, you'll find that it's stuck because the value of a
is eventually 1, and it's not able to find it in priemgetallen
A quick fix to break out of the infinite loop that comes to mind is to just add it to the list:
I suppose another option is to handle that value explicitly, so something like this should also break the infinite loop:
def PriemFactoren(getal):
factoren = []
a = getal
while a not in priemgetallen:
#### Added lines
if a == 1:
#### End
for priem in priemgetallen:
if a % priem == 0:
a = a / priem
a = int(a)
if getal not in priemgetallen:
return factoren