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Is there a way to programmatically determine if an input date field is incomplete?

I'm stuck with the following question: how can I determine if an input date field is incompletely submitted? For example, if I send 12/09/aaaa as a value, the value actually sent is null, which is the same value I obtain if I send gg/mm/aaaa, i.e. the empty value. Is there a way to discriminate via JS between the two cases? (Actually, I'm using Vue.js but I think it's not so important.)


  • tl;dr: No, not natively


    This happens because the native HTML date input must either be empty or have a valid date according to the spec: Date state (type=date)

    [...] User agents must not allow the user to set the value to a non-empty string that is not a valid date string. [...]

    The value attribute, if specified and not empty, must have a value that is a valid date string.

    The value sanitization algorithm is as follows: If the value of the element is not a valid date string, then set it to the empty string instead.


    This means, when the input is partially filled, no matter what form or input event is triggered (submit, change, etc) the value of the input will be an empty string.


    Checking the input's validity state

    Input elements have a property named validity to describe the validity state of the input value. In theory, you could check the badInput or valid properties on the input's validity state object; if badInput: true or valid: false is present while the value is an empty string, you could infer the input has been partially completed. In practice, however, Safari seems to return badInput: false and valid: true even with a partially filled date input. See the table below:

    initial (no input) partial (e.g. 01/mm/yyyy)
    (tested on 116.0.5845.140)
      value: "",
      validity: {
        badInput: false,
        valid: true
      value: "",
      validity: {
        badInput: true,
        valid: false
    (tested on 116.0.2)
      value: "",
      validity: {
        badInput: false,
        valid: true
      value: "",
      validity: {
        badInput: true,
        valid: false
    (tested on 16.6)
      value: "",
      validity: {
        badInput: false,
        valid: true
      value: "",
      validity: {
        badInput: false,
        valid: true

    This test can be run with the snippet below:

    const input = document.getElementById("input");
    function log({ type, target: { validity, value, }}) {
      console.log({ type, validity, value });
    log({ type: "load", target: input });
    input.addEventListener("blur", log);
    input.addEventListener("change", log);
    <input id="input" type="date" />

    Building your own custom date input

    As a result, I think it's recommended to build your own custom input (or use a library). This would give you full and consistent control on how partial inputs are returned and validated.