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How do i add items to ListView in WPF

I have a listview in my TimePage xaml:

<ListView x:Name="moduleList" Width="1120" Height="231" Margin="42,536,186,217" Grid.Column="1" >

            <GridViewColumn Header="Program Name" Width="160" DisplayMemberBinding="{Binding name}"/>
            <GridViewColumn Header="Program Code" Width="160" DisplayMemberBinding="{Binding code}"/>
            <GridViewColumn Header="Number of Credits" Width="160" DisplayMemberBinding="{Binding credits}"/>
            <GridViewColumn Header="Number of Hours" Width="160" DisplayMemberBinding="{Binding hours}"/>
            <GridViewColumn Header="Semester start date" Width="160" DisplayMemberBinding="{Binding date}"/>
            <GridViewColumn Header="Semester Weeks" Width="160" DisplayMemberBinding="{Binding weeks}"/>
            <GridViewColumn Header="Study Hours" Width="160" DisplayMemberBinding="{Binding studyhours}"/>

my values are being taken from myModule class and each variable is binded to a variable:

     public string name { get; set; }
     public string code { get; set; }
     public int credits { get; set; }
     public int hours { get; set; }
     public string date { get; set; }
     public int studyhours { get; set; }
     public int weeks { get; set; }

I make use of this code in the TimePage.cs in order to allow me to add values into listView:

 List<Modules> modules = new List<Modules>();
        modules.Add(new Modules()
        name =  namebox.Text,
        code =  codebox.Text,
        credits = int.Parse(0+creditbox.Text),
        hours = int.Parse(0+hoursbox.Text),
        date = semesterbox.Text,
        weeks = int.Parse(0+semesterweekbox.Text),
        studyhours = m1.Calculations(int.Parse(hoursbox.Text),

    }) ;

The code works and it allows me to output values onto the list box it comes out like this:
ListView Output

However, when I try to input new values it does not output a new item rather it updates the information on the first item:

ListView new values

how do I make it add a new item instead of updating information?


  • You need to create readonly field with an observable collection:

    private readonly ObsrvableCollection<Modules> modules
        = new ObservableCollection<Modules>();

    Once, after initializing the XAML, assign the field value to the ListView source:

        moduleList.ItemsSource = modules;

    After that, in the code, work only with the collection in the field. Leave the ListView UI alone.

       modules.Add(new Modules()
                name =  namebox.Text,
                code =  codebox.Text,
                credits = int.Parse(0+creditbox.Text),
                hours = int.Parse(0+hoursbox.Text),
                date = semesterbox.Text,
                weeks = int.Parse(0+semesterweekbox.Text),
                studyhours = m1.Calculations