How can I increment the value of the property TeamSize each time a new Athlete object is added? Because I cannot create a variable to store the value for TeamSize and increment that value each time a new Athlete object so I wonder if there is another way to increment TeamSize.
public class Team
private Athlete[] athletes;
public int MaxTeamSize
public string TeamName
public static int TeamSize
public Sport TeamSport
public Team(string name, Sport sport, int maxTeamSize)
TeamName = name;
TeamSport = sport;
MaxTeamSize = maxTeamSize;
athletes = new Athlete[maxTeamSize];
public Athlete[] AddAthlete(Athlete a)
int teamSize = this.athletes.Length;
if (teamSize < MaxTeamSize)
athletes[teamSize] = a;
TeamSize = teamSize;
return this.athletes;
You don't need to increment. Try this
public int TeamSize
get { return athletes.Count(i => i!=null);}
public int MaxTeamSize
get {retun athletes.Length;}
public Team(string name, Sport sport, int maxTeamSize)
TeamName = name;
TeamSport = sport;
athletes = new Athlete[maxTeamSize];
public Athlete[] AddAthlete(Athlete a)
if (TeamSize < MaxTeamSize)
athletes[TeamSize] = a;
return this.athletes;
You will need to add using System.Linq; if you don't have. But maybe instead of array of atlets you better use list of atlets. It allows dynamically add any quantity of atlets.