Search code examples

Rank on multiple columns in Oracle 19C

Could you please suggest a simple way to calculate rank on multiple columns in Oracle 19c.

For instance - considering [ Mango | 1 | 1 ] group from the table

NAME    DAY PROD    S       M       P   AMT1    AMT2    AMT3
MANGO   1   1       -2.75   3       15  21.277  80      80
MANGO   1   1       -2.75   1.5     21  27.778  80      80
MANGO   1   1       -2.75   3       21  27.778  80      80
MANGO   1   1       -2.75   3       14  20      80      80

Expected output : 2nd row

For each group [NAME, DAY, PROD], I need to identify a row which has min[abs(S)] value. If this returns multiple rows with same values [NAME, DAY, PROD, S], then next column to be considered is row having max(AMT1). Again in case of more than one row is fetched with same [NAME, DAY, PROD, S, AMT1], next factor to be considered is min(M). Lastly, min(P).

Overall, a single row should be returned for each group [NAME, DAY, PROD] considering order for ranking rows as min(abs(S)) -> max(AMT1) -> min(M) -> min(P)

Expected Output for sample Records : Provided SQLs in DB_Fiddle

NAME    DAY PROD    S       M   P   AMT1    AMT2    AMT3                final deciding factor
APPLE   1   1       -2.5    3   21  27.778  80      80          --->    min(abs(S))
APPLE   8   0.5     -1.25   3   10  51.02   90      90          --->    max(AMT1)
MANGO   5   1       -1.75   3   14  24      83.333  83.333      --->    min(P)
MANGO   1   1       -2.75   1.5 21  27.778  80      80          --->    min(M)


  • Just use the ROW_NUMBER() analytic function:

    SELECT *
    FROM   (
      SELECT t.*,
             ROW_NUMBER() OVER (
               PARTITION BY name, day, prod
               ORDER BY ABS(s) ASC,
                        amt1   DESC,
                        m      ASC,
                        p      ASC
             ) AS rn
      FROM   test3 t
    WHERE rn = 1;

    Which, for the sample data, outputs:

    APPLE 1 1 -2.5 3 21 27.778 80 80 1
    APPLE 8 .5 -1.25 3 10 51.02 90 90 1
    MANGO 1 1 -2.75 1.5 21 27.778 80 801
    MANGO 5 1 -1.75 3 14 24 83.333 83.333 1

    db<>fiddle here