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F#: To Design or not design with mutually dependably record types

  • I try to model trees with their nodes using F# records.
  • Here is an abstraction of what my design looks like:
type Tree = { Root: Node }
and Node = { Tree: Tree }
  • (There are other record fields, of course.)
  • The rationale is that given a tree I want to quickly access its root node; furthermore, I want to know the associated tree for any given node (including a root node).
  • Initializing a tree with its root works:
let rec newTree = { Root = newRoot }
and newRoot = { Tree = newTree }
  • Now, I read in this Stackoverflow post that this only works because of some accidental internal visibility on the backing fields, which also leads that any function initializing such tree/root records must reside within the same assembly as the type definitions (not too great, but I can live with that).
  • This post describes using options for the mutually dependable fields, but I really want to model that each tree has a root node (no empty trees in my system) and each node has a tree, without having to test for Some/None.
  • Is my design approach sound? Or should I rather model the intrinsic bound between trees and their nodes in another way?


  • there is no need to declare a type for root. from a type perspective, a tree is a node. the canonical way to define a tree in f# is like so

    type Node = 
       | N of int * Node list // (inner) node
       | L of int  // leaf
    let tree = N(3, [L(5); L(7)])

    its your choice if you define a separate case for the leaf or simply use

    type Node = N of int * Node list

    int is the node data type. you will customize this or even use a generic.

    i often use mutable children collections, then i use records like

    type Node = { data: int; mutable children: Node list }
    let root = { data=3; children=[] }
    root.children <- [{ data=7; children=[] }]