I'm new to CMake to I'm not sure what I'm doing
I'm using poppler as a library via CMake for my application. I've imported it as a submodule.
If I include popper in my top-level CMake file using add_subdirectory(...)
, it get the following errors
[cmake] CMake Error at external/poppler/CMakeLists.txt:7 (include):
[cmake] include could not find requested file:
[cmake] PopplerDefaults
[cmake] CMake Error at external/poppler/CMakeLists.txt:8 (include):
This is most likely because the CMAKE_MODULE_PATH
is incorrect.
After some digging, it looks like poppler is setting the module path instead of appending to it.
So I can't really override it it seems.
My (probably overly complicated) setup is here, which the poppler line commented out. https://github.com/bdurrani/cmake-test/blob/master/CMakeLists.txt#L69
This works fine if I run cmake from within the poppler folder.
Is there a way around this? How to you handle such scenarios?
So in your CMakeLists.txt just store and restore the CMAKE_MODULE_PATH before including the subproject.
# suffix the poppler stuff too.
You could also separately notify developers of the poppler
project of the issue, or at best create a patch for them that Will fix the problem.