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How can I get the WID via bash which window the mouse pointer is over?

The question refers to: Linux Ubuntu, with Cinnamon desktop

Several program windows can be displayed on a desktop.

How can I get the WID via bash which window the mouse pointer is over?


  • I cannot test this at the moment, but maybe xdotool offers a way to get the window under the mouse cursor. From man xdotool:

    getmouselocation [--shell]
    Outputs the x, y, screen, and window id of the mouse cursor.

    I assume the mentioned window id belongs to the window under the mouse cursor. To retrieve it, use

    declare "$(xdotool getmouselocation --shell | grep WINDOW)"
    echo "$WINDOW"

    The window id can then be used in other tools like xwininfo -id <wdid> to get more information.