I would like to be able to access the parameters passed into a function that has been used for threading to match up the the result of the function with the parameters passed in. Using ThreadPoolExecutor
in Python.
data = [[url1, 1], [url2, 2], [url3, 3]]
lst = []
with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor:
results = [executor.submit(check, var1, var2) for var1, var2 in data]
for f in concurrent.futures.as_completed(results):
result = f.result()
if result:
lst.append([result, ????])
So I would like the '????' on the last line to be the element of the list 'data' corresponding to 'result'.
You use a dictionary with the key as the Future
object and the value as the argument passed.
results = {executor.submit(check, var1, var2): (var1, var2) for var1, var2 in data}
Then when you want to refer just use something like lst.append([result, results[f]])
data = [[url1, 1], [url2, 2], [url3, 3]]
lst = []
with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor:
results = {executor.submit(check, var1, var2): (var1, var2) for var1, var2 in data}
for f in concurrent.futures.as_completed(results.keys()):
result = f.result()
if result:
lst.append([result, results[f]])