For a stocks "strategy", I have a DataFrame (called "concat") that shows the trade profit at position "I". Let's say that I have a variable called "Starting Balance" = 1,000
I want to calculate the available balance in each row given the profit/or loss from the trade based on an initial starting balance.
(It says that I'm not allowed to embed pictures so in the link is the example I want to achieve)
I tried to create a loop that should go in every "I" position a calculate that:
if concat['Sell at'][i] > 0:
strt_bal = Starting_Balance
number_of_shares = np.round(strt_bal / concat['Bought at'][i], 0)
trade_profit = number_of_shares * concat['Win / (loss) $ Long'][i]
strt_bal = strt_bal + trade_profit
And to see if it was working I checked the values in a list, but the values are wrong because its always using the variable "Starting Balance" to calculate.
How can I achieve the desired result as the Excel file?
First I'll just create a mock data frame based on the Excel data you provided:
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame([2500]+[None]*9,
df.columns = ['profit','balance']
profit balance
0 0.0000 2500.0
1 0.0000 NaN
2 0.0000 NaN
3 0.0000 NaN
4 0.0000 NaN
5 0.0000 NaN
6 -51.2548 NaN
7 0.0000 NaN
8 0.0000 NaN
9 198.8144 NaN
We have the profit values and the starting balance, nothing else. We want to fill out the rest of the balance column, replacing the NaN values.
Quick fix:
for i in df.index:
df.balance[i] = list(df[~df.balance.isnull()].balance)[-1]+df.profit[i]
For each row, we'll find the last non-null value in the balance column and add this with the profit value in the row. This will represent our balance value for that row.
Now the dataframe:
profit balance
0 0.0000 2500.0000
1 0.0000 2500.0000
2 0.0000 2500.0000
3 0.0000 2500.0000
4 0.0000 2500.0000
5 0.0000 2500.0000
6 -51.2548 2448.7452
7 0.0000 2448.7452
8 0.0000 2448.7452
9 198.8144 2647.5596