I am trying to achieve the following with the below code:
ABC <- Import.Excel.Data.Server("File1")
output$ABC.class <- renderText(class(ABC()))
output$ABC.matrix <- renderPrint(ABC())
in the server section of the Import.Excel.Data.App
I am unable to figure out the error - though I am not sure if the way I assigned it (as shown in 2 above) is the correct way or not.
Any help with this is appreciated please.
Full Code below
Code for Module
Import.Excel.Data.UI <- function(id){
ns <- NS(id)
actionButton(ns("AddExcelDataButton"), label = "Click Here to Add Excel Data"),
Import.Excel.Data.Server <- function(id){
moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session){
ns <- session$ns
observeEvent(eventExpr = input$AddExcelDataButton,
where = "afterEnd",
ui = tags$hr(
tags$div(fileInput(inputId = ns(paste0("ExcelFile",input$AddExcelDataButton)),
label = paste0("Path for File",input$AddExcelDataButton),
multiple = FALSE),
style = "display:inline-block; vertical-align:top"
),#end of tags$div
tags$div(textInput(inputId = ns(paste0("ExcelSheetName",input$AddExcelDataButton)),
label = paste0("Excel Sheet Name",input$AddExcelDataButton),
value = "Data"),
style = "display:inline-block; vertical-align:top"
),#end of tags$div
tags$div(textInput(inputId = ns(paste0("ExcelSheetRange",input$AddExcelDataButton)),
label = paste0("Excel Sheet Range", input$AddExcelDataButton),
value = "C6:AL10000"),
style = "display:inline-block; vertical-align:top"
),#end of tags$div
tags$div(checkboxInput(inputId = ns(paste0("ExcelFileCheck",input$AddExcelDataButton)),
label = paste0("Check to Use File", input$AddExcelDataButton),
value = TRUE),
style = "display:inline-block; vertical-align:center"
)#end of tags$div
)#end of tags$hr
)#end of insertUI
)#end of observeEvent
XLdata <- reactive({
for (i in 1: input$AddExcelDataButton)
temp.filepath <- input[[paste0("ExcelFile",i)]]$datapath
temp.sheetname <- input[[paste0("ExcelSheetName",i)]]
temp.sheetrange <- input[[paste0("ExcelSheetRange",i)]]
temp.filecheck <- input[[paste0("ExcelFileCheck",i)]]
row.temp <- cbind(temp.filepath, temp.sheetname, temp.sheetrange, temp.filecheck)
XLdata.matrix <- row.temp
},#end of if condition in ifelse i<=1
XLdata.matrix <- rbind(XLdata.matrix, row.temp)
} #end of else in ifelse i<=1
)#end of ifelse brackets
}#end of for-loop
XLdata.matrix <- as.data.frame(XLdata.matrix)
})#end of reactive for XLdata
output$XLmatrix <- renderPrint(XLdata())
})#end of module server
Code for App
Import.Excel.Data.App <- function(){
ui <- fluidPage(
server <- function(input, output, session){
ABC <- Import.Excel.Data.Server("File1")
output$ABC.class <- renderText(class(ABC()))
output$ABC.matrix <- renderPrint(ABC())
shinyApp(ui, server)
You were very close. You just need to return the reactive object XLdata
, and use req()
inside the reactive object. Try this
Import.Excel.Data.Server <- function(id){
moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session){
ns <- session$ns
observeEvent(eventExpr = input$AddExcelDataButton,
where = "afterEnd",
ui = tags$hr(
tags$div(fileInput(inputId = ns(paste0("ExcelFile",input$AddExcelDataButton)),
label = paste0("Path for File",input$AddExcelDataButton),
multiple = FALSE),
style = "display:inline-block; vertical-align:top"
),#end of tags$div
tags$div(textInput(inputId = ns(paste0("ExcelSheetName",input$AddExcelDataButton)),
label = paste0("Excel Sheet Name",input$AddExcelDataButton),
value = "Data"),
style = "display:inline-block; vertical-align:top"
),#end of tags$div
tags$div(textInput(inputId = ns(paste0("ExcelSheetRange",input$AddExcelDataButton)),
label = paste0("Excel Sheet Range", input$AddExcelDataButton),
value = "C6:AL10000"),
style = "display:inline-block; vertical-align:top"
),#end of tags$div
tags$div(checkboxInput(inputId = ns(paste0("ExcelFileCheck",input$AddExcelDataButton)),
label = paste0("Check to Use File", input$AddExcelDataButton),
value = TRUE),
style = "display:inline-block; vertical-align:center"
)#end of tags$div
)#end of tags$hr
)#end of insertUI
)#end of observeEvent
XLdata <- reactive({
for (i in 1: input$AddExcelDataButton)
temp.filepath <- input[[paste0("ExcelFile",i)]]$datapath
temp.sheetname <- input[[paste0("ExcelSheetName",i)]]
temp.sheetrange <- input[[paste0("ExcelSheetRange",i)]]
temp.filecheck <- input[[paste0("ExcelFileCheck",i)]]
row.temp <- cbind(temp.filepath, temp.sheetname, temp.sheetrange, temp.filecheck)
XLdata.matrix <- row.temp
},#end of if condition in ifelse i<=1
XLdata.matrix <- rbind(XLdata.matrix, row.temp)
} #end of else in ifelse i<=1
)#end of ifelse brackets
}#end of for-loop
XLdata.matrix <- as.data.frame(XLdata.matrix)
})#end of reactive for XLdata
output$XLmatrix <- renderPrint(XLdata())
})#end of module server