I am new to SpaCy and NLP. I am using SpaCy v 3.1 and Python 3.9.7 64-bit.
My objective: to use a pre-trained SpaCy model (en_core_web_sm
) and add a set of custom labels to the existing NER labels (GPE
, etc.) so that the model can recognize both the default AND the custom entities.
I've looked at the SpaCy documentation and what I need seems to be an EntityRecogniser, specifically a new pipe.
However, it is not really clear to me at what point in my workflow I should add this new pipe, since in SpaCy 3 the training happens in CLI, and from the docs it's not even clear to me where the pre-trained model is called.
Any tutorials or pointers you might have are highly appreciated.
This is what I think should be done, but I am not sure how:
import spacy
from spacy import displacy
from spacy_langdetect import LanguageDetector
from spacy.language import Language
from spacy.pipeline import EntityRecognizer
# Load model
nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm")
# Register custom component and turn a simple function into a pipeline component
def create_bespoke_ner(nlp, name):
# Train the new pipeline with custom labels here??
return LanguageDetector()
# Add custom pipe
custom = nlp.add_pipe("new-ner")
This is what my config file looks like so far. I suspect my new pipe needs to go next to "tok2vec" and "ner".
train = null
dev = null
vectors = null
init_tok2vec = null
gpu_allocator = null
seed = 0
lang = "en"
pipeline = ["tok2vec","ner"]
batch_size = 1000
disabled = []
before_creation = null
after_creation = null
after_pipeline_creation = null
tokenizer = {"@tokenizers":"spacy.Tokenizer.v1"}
factory = "ner"
incorrect_spans_key = null
moves = null
update_with_oracle_cut_size = 100
For Spacy 3.2 I did it this way:
import spacy
import random
from spacy import util
from spacy.tokens import Doc
from spacy.training import Example
from spacy.language import Language
def print_doc_entities(_doc: Doc):
if _doc.ents:
for _ent in _doc.ents:
print(f" {_ent.text} {_ent.label_}")
print(" NONE")
def customizing_pipeline_component(nlp: Language):
# NOTE: Starting from Spacy 3.0, training via Python API was changed. For information see - https://spacy.io/usage/v3#migrating-training-python
train_data = [
('We need to deliver it to Festy.', [(25, 30, 'DISTRICT')]),
('I like red oranges', [])
# Result before training
print(f"\nResult BEFORE training:")
doc = nlp(u'I need a taxi to Festy.')
# Disable all pipe components except 'ner'
disabled_pipes = []
for pipe_name in nlp.pipe_names:
if pipe_name != 'ner':
print(" Training ...")
optimizer = nlp.create_optimizer()
for _ in range(25):
for raw_text, entity_offsets in train_data:
doc = nlp.make_doc(raw_text)
example = Example.from_dict(doc, {"entities": entity_offsets})
nlp.update([example], sgd=optimizer)
# Enable all previously disabled pipe components
for pipe_name in disabled_pipes:
# Result after training
print(f"Result AFTER training:")
doc = nlp(u'I need a taxi to Festy.')
def main():
nlp = spacy.load('en_core_web_sm')
if __name__ == '__main__':