Search code examples

DataFrame remove rows existing in another DataFrame

I have two data frames:


|customerId|     fullName|   telephone1|    telephone2|          email|
|    201534|MARIO JIMENEZ|01722-3500391|+5215553623333|[email protected]|
|    879535|  MARIO LOPEZ|01722-3500377|+5215553623333| [email protected]|


|customerId|     fullName|   telephone1|    telephone2|          email|
|    201534|MARIO JIMENEZ|01722-3500391|+5215553623333|[email protected]|
|    201536|  ROBERT MITZ|01722-3500377|+5215553623333| [email protected]|
|    201537|     MARY ENG|01722-3500127|+5215553623111|[email protected]|
|    201538|    RICK BURT|01722-3500983|+5215553623324|[email protected]|
|    201539|     JHON DOE|01722-3502547|+5215553621476|[email protected]|

And I need to get a third DataFrame with the ones from df1 that does not exist in df2.

like this:

|customerId|     fullName|   telephone1|    telephone2|          email|
|    879535|  MARIO LOPEZ|01722-3500377|+5215553623333| [email protected]|

Whats is the correct way of doing this?

I've already tried the following:

diff = df2.join(df1, df2['customerId'] != df1['customerId'],"left")
diff = df1.subtract(df2)
diff = df1[~ df1['customerId'].isin(df2['customerId'])]

But they do not work, any suggestions?


  • Using pyspark:

    You can create a list containing the customerId from DF2 with collect():

    from pyspark.sql.types import *
    id_df2 = [id[0] for id in'customerId').distinct().collect()]

    And then filter your DF1 customerId using isin with negation ~:

    diff = df1.where(~col('customerId').isin(id_df2))