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tolerance in cloze questions

I would like to understand how to set up correctly tolerance bounds in cloze questions containing numeric and schoice questions.

Here is an example, where I have a schoice question followed by two numeric questions and I would like the tolerance bounds for the two numeric questions to be 0 and 0.01, respectively.

<<echo=FALSE, results=hide>>=

type <- c("schoice", "num", "num")
solutions <- explanations <- rep(list(""), 3)

solutions[[1]] <- c(1, 0, 0)
solutions[[2]]<- 0
solutions[[3]] <- 1/8

solutions[type=="num"] explanations[type=="schoice"] <-
lapply(solutions[type=="schoice"], function(x) ifelse(x, "True", "False")) 

solutions[type=="schoice"] <- lapply(solutions[type=="schoice"], mchoice2string)

tol <- 0

tol[2]<- 0.01



What is the capital of Italy?  

\item Rome \item Madrid \item Berlin 
\item  How many people live in a empty house?  
\item Compute 1/8. (tolerance: \Sexpr{tol[2]}). 


%% \extype{cloze} 
%% \exclozetype{\Sexpr{paste(type, collapse = "|")}} 
%% \exsolution{\Sexpr{paste(solutions, collapse = "|")}} 
%% \exname{prova_tol} 
%% \extol{\Sexpr{paste(tol, collapse = "|")}}

As a result, I obtain instead a tolerance of 0.01 for the first numeric question and of zero for the second one. Indeed, this is the "question text" that I get in Moodle:

What is the capital of Italy?

a. {1:MULTICHOICE_V:%100%Rome~%0%Madrid~%0%Berlin}

b. How many people live in a empty house? {1:NUMERICAL:=0:0.01}

c. Compute 1/8. (tolerance: 0.01). {1:NUMERICAL:=0.125:0}


  • Currently, you need to specify one extol element for every cloze element, even if the cloze elements are not numeric. So with


    you would need


    to get the tolerances 0 and 0.1 for the two num elements.

    But I agree that your approach would also make sense. I'll have a look at whether it is possible to support both - and issue a warning if the number of tolerances is not one of the number of all elements or of all num elements, respectively.