Can you tell me how to close the loader
here if I need to use the Real-time feature as well as an async
pipe on the template?
Since it has a real-time feature it doesn't work with finalize
operator i.e. never completes. So any clue here, please.
private getAlerts(loader: HTMLIonLoadingElement): void {
this.alertsChanged$ = this.alertsService.getAlerts().pipe(
finalize(() => {
this.loadingService.dismissLoader(loader); // here is the problem
map((res) => res)
getAlerts(): Observable<AlertModel[]> {
return this.angularFireDatabase
[alerts]="alertsChanged$ | async"
If finalize
doesn't work then use tap
. See below.
private getAlerts(loader: HTMLIonLoadingElement): void {
this.alertsChanged$ = this.alertsService.getAlerts().pipe(
tap(() => {
map((res) => res)
See here for details: