Here is the part of the botium.json where i send my text request
"SIMPLEREST_URL": "https://******************/messaging/api/widget/request",
"SIMPLEREST_HEADERS_TEMPLATE": {"Authorization" : "Basic *****************"},
"messageType" : "TEXT",
"mediaType" : "DIGITAL",
"messageContentType": "text/plain",
"language": "en",
"sessionID": "{{{context.sessionID}}}",
"messageContent": "{{msg.messageText}}",
"sequenceID": "{{{context.sequenceID}}}",
"company": "**********",
"connector": "demo_chatbot",
"service": "demo_chatbot",
"idTokenType": "LOGIN",
"idToken": "******************"
if I want to test the button part, I need to change the messageType to USER_CHOICE, so my question is: How can I ensure that when I put the keyword BUTTON in my test file (.convo.txt) the messageType is changed to USER_CHOICE ?
You may use a Botium request hook - some custom Javascript code to inject custom functionality into Botium. In your case it would look like this in your botium.json file:
"SIMPLEREST_REQUEST_HOOK": "if (msg.buttons && msg.buttons.length > 0) { requestOptions.body.messageType = 'USER_CHOICE' }"