I don't understand why webclient blocks the main netty thread I use gradle here are its dependencies:
dependencyManagement {
imports {
mavenBom "org.springframework.cloud:spring-cloud-dependencies:Hoxton.SR11"
dependencies {
implementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-webflux'
This gradle script is used in both applications. In the first application, I perform:
open fun otherApp(): Mono<String> {
return WebClient.create("http://localhost:8081")
// I tried to use an additional scheduler but the main stream is blocked with it too
// .publishOn(Schedulers.boundedElastic())
The second application emulates a long response processing:
open fun test(): Mono<String> {
return Mono.just("Hello");
And I expect that the calling service will not block the main thread, but will continue to process incoming connections, but until I get a response from the first call(sleep will work), my next connections are hanging in wait.
Result: The first application works like tomcat with a single thread
My question: What do i wrong?
The client application does not block, it is able to process new requests. You can confirm that by adding logs:
public Mono<String> test() {
return Mono.just("incoming request")
.doOnNext(e -> logger.info("Process: {}", e))
.flatMap(e -> webclient.test());
The server application is blocked because Thread.sleep(15000L)
blocks the main thread (consider using .delayElement(Duration.ofSeconds(15))
It is due to the browser cache. You should disable caching or force a hard refresh(CTRL + F5).
I tested the hard refresh and it seems to work fine.