I have the following navigation graph
Frag A --> Frag B --> Frag C --> --> Frag D
\ /
-> Frag E <---------------
-> Frag F
My current stack is [Frag A, Frag B, Frag C and Frag D]. Knowing that my current destination is Frag D and that I want to navigate from Frag D to Frag E clearing Frag B, Frag C and Frag D from the stack, how can one do it?
Current stack: [Frag A, Frag B, Frag C and Frag D]
Intent: navigate to Frag E clearing [Frag B, Frag C and Frag D] from the stack
resulting stack: [Frag A and Frag E]
if you are navigating through navigation graph actions, that would be an easy task by specifying that you need your action to popUpTo certain fragment like this :
where popUpToInclusive
flag means (do you want to popUpTo B_Frag including B_Frag(True) or excluding it(False)).
this action will pop all fragments from top stack until it reaches B_Frag, and then go the destination E_Frag.
and by
navigating through navigation graph actions
I mean that you use likes of this code line in D Fragment to navigate
N.B : three dots in code (...) means I don't care what code is written there and you may delete the three dots and include whatever you want