I have Model Organization and User. There can be a buyer account manager and a seller account manager for an organization.
In organization the relationship is like :
public function managers() {
return $this->belongsToMany(User::class, 'organization_account_managers')->using('App\Model\Organization\OrganizationAccountManager')->withPivot(['account_manager_type']);
In User the relationship is defined as:
public function accounts()
return $this->belongsToMany(Organization::class, 'organization_account_managers')
When attaching in Nova, have defined on Organization as:
BelongsToMany::make('Account Managers','managers', 'App\Nova\User')
->fields(function () {
return [
The table structure is:
Schema::create('organization_account_managers', function (Blueprint $table) {
Problem statement: A user can be both buyer account manager and seller account manager. But when i try to attach so, NOva gives me an error: This users is already attached.
Appreciate any idea on how to resolve this.
From version v3.23.0 Laravel Nova allows duplicate relations.
BelongsToMany::make('Account Managers', 'managers', 'App\Nova\User')
->fields(function () {
If you are using previous version you can try this workaround.