I have a pandas dataframe df
which looks as follows:
Population GDP GDP GDP CO2
2015 2020 2015 2020 2010 2020 2030
0 26572 28985 25367 32194 44835 14415 45785
1 12372 41730 35112 37214 40748 16088 46963
2 26480 46811 37487 30372 48703 37997 43135
The columns are Multi-Index consisting of 3 levels. First level has Germany as country. Second level has some indicators, and third level has years. And there are some data in the pandas dataframe.
I'd like to export this dataframe to Excel such that I get Germany in each column. Then I'd like to have Population, GDP and CO2 merged for the second level. It should look something as shown:
When I used df.to_excel(file, merge_cells = True)
, I get something as shown: But I don't want to merge column for Germany, and want to have it split as shown in the screen shot on top. It also does not work using
merge_cells = False
as an argument because then the column names in different levels are concatenated as a column name in one row.
What would be the suitable approach to export it accordingly? (If possible, can the empty row between year and values in the exported file also be removed?)
looks like this:
{('Germany', 'Population', 2015): {0: 26572, 1: 12372, 2: 26480},
('Germany', 'Population', 2020): {0: 28985, 1: 41730, 2: 46811},
('Germany', 'GDP', 2015): {0: 25367, 1: 35112, 2: 37487},
('Germany', 'GDP', 2020): {0: 32194, 1: 37214, 2: 30372},
('Germany', 'GDP', 2010): {0: 44835, 1: 40748, 2: 48703},
('Germany', 'CO2', 2020): {0: 14415, 1: 16088, 2: 37997},
('Germany', 'CO2', 2030): {0: 45785, 1: 46963, 2: 43135}}
One trick is write first level of MultiIndex
separately and then skip first row for write another values - DataFrame without first level:
writer = pd.ExcelWriter('data.xlsx')
df1 = pd.DataFrame(columns=df.droplevel([1,2], axis=1).columns)
df2 = df.droplevel(0, axis=1)
df1.to_excel(writer, sheet_name='Sheet1')
df2.to_excel(writer, sheet_name='Sheet1', merge_cells = True, startrow=1)