I have a select statement like below
select *
from employees
where emp_id <= v_emp_id;
I want this emp_id
to be <= v_emp_id
if country is not USA.
If country is USA, then I want emp_id
to be = v_usa_emp_id
Your question is a bit ambiguous. I have assumed that country
is an attribute in the table employees
of data type VARCHAR
SELECT * FROM employees
(emp_id = v_emp_id AND country = 'USA')
OR (emp_id <= v_emp_id AND country != 'USA')
You might want to take a look at WHERE, OR and AND.
Quoting the OR
page linked above:
If you use multiple logical operators in a statement, Oracle evaluates the OR operators after the NOT and AND operators. However, you can change the order of evaluation by using parentheses.