i'm new here and very much hope i'm not asking a duplicate question.
I am completely new to coding and jumped right into Laravel, but now running into an issue that i'm not quite finding an answer for.
I have the following Model setup:
public function roles()
return $this->belongsToMany(Role::class, 'user_roles')->as('roles')->withTimestamps();
Has a table column 'name'
public function users()
return $this->belongsToMany(User::class, 'user_roles');
Intermediate table with table columns 'user_id and 'role_id'
The issue that i'm facing is that i want to create a role check on the user, and i am guessing that creating a middleware will be the way to go. But when i want to check if a user has a role with the following code:
if (Auth::user()->roles->name == 'manager')
// do something here
else {
// do something else here
I get an error stating that 'name' does not exist on this collection instance.
I figured out that i can loop over the roles a user has and display them with:
$user = User::find(1);
foreach($user->roles as $role)
print $role->name;
But i'm completely clueless as to why the role check isn't working.
is a collection of roles, an instance of Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection. So for that check, you might want to do something like:
if (Auth::user()->roles->contains('name', 'manager') {
// do something here
} else {
// do something else here