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Materialdatepicker with a spinner style

Using the default DatePicker class from android it was possible to make the datepicker in form of spinner like this:


But with MaterialDesignSpinner it seems that this feature by default is not implemented, as the only form looks like this:


or default textview input.

Did materialdesign remove the spinner feature, or is there a way to implementing it using the MaterialDatePicker?


  • I could't find a solution for the MaterialDatePicker, but I want to share my solution anyways, it works for my purpose it might for yours too:

        DatePickerDialog dpd = new DatePickerDialog(this,
                AlertDialog.THEME_HOLO_LIGHT,null, 1960, 1, 1);

    This will display the light version of the date picker dialog. You can also use:


    For a dark dialog theme or:

    For a slightly different dialog itself. Keep in mind to set dpd.getDatePicker().setCalendarViewShown(false); otherwise the regular calendar part of the picker is shown in addition. If you look for more variations see this answer.