My useage of mergeMap
seems to reduce the boolean stream down to one value, because
<button [disabled]="!(canRequestPricing$ | async)"
canRequestPricing$ | async
should be true, but if the first emission is false, it is false.
public canRequestPricing$ = new BehaviorSubject<boolean>(false);
public ngOnInit(): void {
this.canRequestPricingSubscription = this.canRequestPricing$.pipe(
mergeMap(() => this.mappedItem.canRequestPricing()),
mergeMap((canRequestPricingFromApi) => {
const can = this.canRequestPricing() && canRequestPricingFromApi;
return of(can);
since the emitter initialises with false, the (canRequestPricing$ | async)
amounts to false. When I initialise it with true
then (canRequestPricing$ | async)
amounts to true.
const can = this.canRequestPricing() && canRequestPricingFromApi;
always is true which is correct, and I just need the initialsed false
of public canRequestPricing$ = new BehaviorSubject<boolean>(false);
to not effect the final value.
I want the behaviour to be that (canRequestPricing$ | async)
amounts to whatever the last emission was. How do I get that behaviour?
If I understood correctly, canRequestPricing$
is dependent on this.canRequestPricing()
and this.mappedItem.canRequestPricing()
map(canRequestPricingFromApi => this.canRequestPricing() && canRequestPricingFromApi)
).subscribe(can => {