I am working with models trained using the Tabular automl of Vertex in GCP. Training and batch predictions work fine. I am truing to use the feature importance in visualizations and trying to get to them from within python. I can get to the model:
client = aiplatform.gapic.ModelServiceClient(client_options=client_options)
name = client.model_path(project=project, location='us-central1', model=modelnum)
response = client.get_model(name=name)
But I can not figure out how to get the trained model's feature importance's that were generated in the training pipeline. I can see them on the model page but can't access them from python.
To get details on the "Evaluate" page, you need to use list_model_evaluations(). This will return google.cloud.aiplatform_v1.services.model_service.pagers.ListModelEvaluationsPager
that contains the values you see on "Evaluate" page. Since you mentioned you want to get the feature importance, you need to loop through the said object and get model_explanation
. See code below:
from google.cloud import aiplatform_v1 as aiplatform
api_endpoint = 'us-central1-aiplatform.googleapis.com'
client_options = {"api_endpoint": api_endpoint} # api_endpoint is required for client_options
client_model = aiplatform.services.model_service.ModelServiceClient(client_options=client_options)
project_id = 'your-project-id'
location = 'us-central1'
model_id = '9999999999999'
model_name = f'projects/{project_id}/locations/{location}/models/{model_id}'
list_eval_request = aiplatform.types.ListModelEvaluationsRequest(parent=model_name)
list_eval = client_model.list_model_evaluations(request=list_eval_request)
for val in list_eval:
For the testing, I used Google's sample data (gs://cloud-ml-tables-data/bank-marketing.csv).
Response from the code:
mean_attributions {
feature_attributions {
struct_value {
fields {
key: "Age"
value {
number_value: 0.027145349596062344
fields {
key: "Balance"
value {
number_value: 0.009469658279914696
fields {
key: "Campaign"
value {
number_value: 0.009621628534664564
fields {
key: "Contact"
value {
number_value: 0.006477007587775141
fields {
key: "Day"
value {
number_value: 0.013976069802316006
fields {
key: "Default"
value {
number_value: 1.528606850783311e-08
fields {
key: "Duration"
value {
number_value: 0.1395725763431482
fields {
key: "Education"
value {
number_value: 0.007015091678270283
fields {
key: "Housing"
value {
number_value: 0.055101036115872845
fields {
key: "Job"
value {
number_value: 0.021222775094579954
fields {
key: "Loan"
value {
number_value: 0.002048753814978598
fields {
key: "MaritalStatus"
value {
number_value: 0.005709941134721149
fields {
key: "Month"
value {
number_value: 0.12325089337437695
fields {
key: "PDays"
value {
number_value: 0.023952343173674555
fields {
key: "POutcome"
value {
number_value: 0.06695149606670256
fields {
key: "Previous"
value {
number_value: 0.03921166116430856
EDIT: 20210920
I used my regressions model and get the data using aiplatform library. Still I got the attribute model_explanation
. I'm using google-cloud-aiplatform==1.4.3
for the library version.
Code used:
from google.cloud import aiplatform
api_endpoint = 'us-central1-aiplatform.googleapis.com'
client_options = {"api_endpoint": api_endpoint}
client_model = aiplatform.gapic.ModelServiceClient(client_options=client_options)
#client_model = aiplatform.services.model_service.ModelServiceClient(client_options=client_options)
project_id = 'your-project-id'
location = 'us-central1'
model_id = '999999999'
model_name = f'projects/{project_id}/locations/{location}/models/{model_id}'
list_eval = client_model.list_model_evaluations(parent=model_name)
Full JSON response:
ListModelEvaluationsPager<model_evaluations {
name: "projects/xxxxxxx/locations/us-central1/models/99999999/evaluations/8888888"
metrics_schema_uri: "gs://google-cloud-aiplatform/schema/modelevaluation/regression_metrics_1.0.0.yaml"
metrics {
struct_value {
fields {
key: "meanAbsoluteError"
value {
number_value: 0.1303236
fields {
key: "meanAbsolutePercentageError"
value {
number_value: 9.991856
fields {
key: "rSquared"
value {
number_value: 0.39691383
fields {
key: "rootMeanSquaredError"
value {
number_value: 0.24697715
fields {
key: "rootMeanSquaredLogError"
value {
number_value: 0.10037828
create_time {
seconds: 1632106497
nanos: 416614000
model_explanation {
mean_attributions {
feature_attributions {
struct_value {
fields {
key: "Age"
value {
number_value: 0.033690840005874634
fields {
key: "Balance"
value {
number_value: 0.021756498143076897
fields {
key: "Campaign"
value {
number_value: 0.03156016394495964
fields {
key: "Contact"
value {
number_value: 0.09849491715431213
fields {
key: "Day"
value {
number_value: 0.08989512920379639
fields {
key: "Default"
value {
number_value: 0.00012870959471911192
fields {
key: "Duration"
value {
number_value: 0.3097792863845825
fields {
key: "Education"
value {
number_value: 0.01789841242134571
fields {
key: "Housing"
value {
number_value: 0.05525226518511772
fields {
key: "Job"
value {
number_value: 0.010000345297157764
fields {
key: "Loan"
value {
number_value: 0.00856288243085146
fields {
key: "MaritalStatus"
value {
number_value: 0.01715957187116146
fields {
key: "Month"
value {
number_value: 0.22002224624156952
fields {
key: "PDays"
value {
number_value: 0.026749607175588608
fields {
key: "POutcome"
value {
number_value: 0.05268073454499245
fields {
key: "Previous"
value {
number_value: 0.00636840146034956
From "Evaluate" page: