I have following events from which I am trying to extract "loc" field
loc=\"{\"type\":1,\"namespace\":\"flows\",\"appIds\":\"10,11,12\",\"path_bar\":\"[\\\"ip_initiate=\\\"]\",\"2021-08-10T11:35:00+00:00_2021-08-10T12:35:00+00:00\\/ip_initiate\\/\\/http_code\\/200\",\"restrict\":null}\"", day=xyz
loc=\"{\"type\":1,\"namespace\":\"flows\",\"appIds\":\"10,11,12\",\"path_bar\":\"[\\\"ip_initiate=\\\"]\",\"2021-08-10T11:35:00+00:00_2021-08-10T12:35:00+00:00\\/ip_initiate\\/\\/http_code\\/200\",\"restrict\":null}\"", ip=
I am able to extract it successfully with below regex using multiple capturing groups -
I wanted to know whether or not it will be possible to extract the complete "loc" field in just one group and if yes, then what changes will I need to make in my above regex.
Basically I don't want the pipe(|)in my regex.
Thanks in advance
You can put the ,\s and the $ in its own group separated by | if you dont want different group numbers.
The value of loc is now in capture group 1.
The pattern matches:
Match literally(.*?)
Capture group 1, match as least as possible(?:,\s|$)
Non capture group, match either , and a whitespace char or end of stringWithout the | char at all, you could use