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Error 405 not allowed on HttpPost in core 3.1 web api

When i try to post the raw text with postman the server answer 405 not allowed. I try to add

app.UseCors(options => options.AllowAnyOrigin().AllowAnyMethod().AllowAnyHeader());


without any solution.

Whis is the code of the application:

    public class VideoWallController : ControllerBase
        // GET: api/<ValuesController>
        public IEnumerable<string> Get()
            return new string[] { "value1", "value2" };

        // GET api/<ValuesController>/5
        public string Get(int id)
            return "value";

        // POST api/<ValuesController>
        public string prova([FromBody] VideoCallBack test)
            return "true;";

        public void teststring(string test)


        // PUT api/<ValuesController>/5
        public void Put(int id, [FromBody] string value)

        // DELETE api/<ValuesController>/5
        public void Delete(int id)

Error on postman


  • Firstly,as maghazade said,there are two endpoints for the post method.You can try to use [HttpPost("teststring")] as ferhrosa said.You can also add [action] to [Route("api/[controller]")],so that routes of actions will include their action names.If you add other actions with post method,the routes will not conflict anymore.

        public class VideoWallController : ControllerBase
            // GET: api/<ValuesController>/Get
            public IEnumerable<string> Get()
                return new string[] { "value1", "value2" };
            // GET api/<ValuesController>/Get/5
            public string Get(int id)
                return "value";
            // POST api/<ValuesController>/prova
            public string prova()
                return "true;";
            // POST api/<ValuesController>/teststring
            public void teststring([FromBody]string test)
            // PUT api/<ValuesController>/Put/5
            public void Put(int id, [FromBody] string value)
            // DELETE api/<ValuesController>/Delete/5
            public void Delete(int id)

    And if you want to pass string test from Body,you need to add [FromBody] and select JSON in postman. enter image description here

    result: enter image description here