In my Module.scala
I'm binding a concrete implementation of a trait defined as follows:
trait AccessGroupRepository[F[_]] {}
class AccessGroupRepositoryImpl @Inject()(db: OldDataBase, c: IOContextShift)
extends AccessGroupRepository[IO] {}
and the binding is done using TypeLiteral
bind(new TypeLiteral[AccessGroupRepository[IO]] {}).to(classOf[AccessGroupRepositoryImpl])
Now, I need to override this binding when testing with a Mockito mock:
override val application: Application = guiceApplicationBuilder
.overrides(bind(new TypeLiteral[AccessGroupRepository[IO]] {}).to(agRepoMock))
but I get the following error:
overloaded method value bind with alternatives:
[error] [T](implicit evidence$1: scala.reflect.ClassTag[T])play.api.inject.BindingKey[T] <and>
[error] [T](clazz: Class[T])play.api.inject.BindingKey[T]
[error] cannot be applied to ([api.v1.accessgroup.AccessGroupRepository[cats.effect.IO]])
[error] .overrides(bind(repoTypeLiteral).to(agRepoMock))
[error] ^
How could I solve that?
This question relates to How to bind a class that extends a Trait with a monadic type parameter using Scala Guice?
isn't available yet in scala implementation of Play Guice API.
Current valid solution for generics, is creating a test module with desired mock definitions, and passing it within overrides
object CustomMockComponentModule extends AbstractModule {
val agRepoMock = ...
def mockBean(): AccessGroupRepository[IO] = agRepoMock
override val application: Application = guiceApplicationBuilder