I am trying to extent a mobility module in Inet 4.2 under Onmet++ v5.6, the issue is that I get the "fatal error: 'inet/common/INETDefs.h' file not found" error during importing the INETDefs.h file.
#ifndef CustomizedMobility_H_
#define CustomizedMobility_H_
#include "inet/common/INETDefs.h"
#include "inet/mobility/single/TractorMobility.h"
namespace inet{
class CustomizedMobility : public TractorMobility{
virtual void setTargetPosition() override;
virtual void move() override;
Coord vLastPosition;
}//ns inet
#endif /* CustomizedMobility_H_ */
Solved just wright click on the project, choose properties, then under omnet++ section choose MakeMake and click on the src folder. After that choose option from the right side section. then have a look at the following figure.