Via UIImagePickerController
, is there a way to tell if the image the user chose from their library is a screenshot? Also, is there a timestamp associated with screenshots? I've read Get Exif data from UIImage - UIImagePickerController, but do screenshots in particular have this data?
Yes YOU CAN. I'm doing it.
First of all, clarify that I am working with NativeScript in Javascript language, but the code is easily understandable for any iOS developer.
First you need to get the PHAsset
from the result of your UIImagePickerController
, you can easily do it based on answers like this: How to retrieve PHAsset from UIImagePickerController
Then you must obtain its Exif
data, check the UserComment
property, and if it corresponds to Screenshot
, it will effectively be a screenshot.
PHCachingImageManager.defaultManager().requestImageDataForAssetOptionsResultHandler( asset, this.requestImageDataForAssetOption, (data,uti,orientation,info) => {
if( !data ) return resolve(false);
let options = NSDictionary.dictionaryWithObjectForKey(kCFBooleanFalse,'kCGImageSourceShouldCache')
let imgSrc = CGImageSourceCreateWithData(data, options)
let metadata = CGImageSourceCopyPropertiesAtIndex(imgSrc, 0, options)
var Exif = metadata.objectForKey('{Exif}')
if( !Exif ) return resolve(false);
let userComment = String( Exif.valueForKey('UserComment') )
if( userComment == 'Screenshot' ) return resolve(true);
You can also easily get the date the screenshot was taken from the PHAsset
con su propiedad creationDate