I have the following snippets
"prefix": "frac",
"body": "\\\\frac{$1}{$2}$3"
"prefix": "sq",
"body": "^2"
I would like to type the following " "frac" + "TAB" + "x" + "TAB" +"y" + "x" + "spacebar" +"sq" "TAB" + "TAB" " and get the following
\frac{x}{y ^2}
with my cursor at the end of sq}, but I get
\frac{x}{y sq}
with my cursor being at the end of sq}. What I am noticing is that pressing "TAB" whilst in a snippet does not trigger other snippets, and instead, goes to the next placeholder.
My question: Is it possible to allow suggestions in snippets such as "TAB" executes them? I am aware that one can use "ctr+space" to manually enable the suggestions but I would like to know if one can do this whilst using tab.
Disable this setting:
Editor > Suggest: Snippets Prevent Quick Suggestions
The default is enabled
which means you will not get other snippet suggestions until you have fully exited the current snippet. Which is not what you want - so uncheck that setting.