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How to pick some information in some tag with XStream

I need to pick some information from a XML and I'm using Xstream. I need some information from books but not every information.

The XML:

   <Book class="R">
     <Title>info 1</Title>
     <Author>info 2</Author>
     <Pages>info 3</Pages>
       <other infos>some other info that i dont need </other infos>
     <Local class="R">
        more info that i dont need

I tried to use the ignoreUnknownElements() but when I convert the XML to the "Origin" class that I created the attributes from the object are all nulls.

How can I do that?


  • So I'm using some things to make it work. I created every class until de Book class, so it's like that:

    public class Origin { 
      private MsgData msgData;
    public class MsgData { 
      private Transaction transaction;
    public class Transaction { 
      private Book book;
    public class Book { 
     private String info1
     private String info2
     private String info3

    After that I need to replace the class="R" inside the tag Book. With the Xml I can do a replaceAll()

    Than just do the alias and aliasField from the XStream created and use the ignoreUnknownElements().

    In the end just do the Cast

    OriginfromXml = (Origin)xstreamCreated.fromXml(stringFromReplaceAll);

    That's one solution, if someone has some better way to do it I post it.