I'm using an API with curl --write-out '\n%{http_code}\t=%{time_total}s\n'
that provides the date information about the fields in UNIX Epoch time instead of ISO8601, which makes it difficult to understand what's going on.
{"message":"Domains list","list":[{"domain":"example.org","created":"1443042000","regtill":"1632430800"}]}
200 =0.126406s
200 =0.126406s
Is there a way to find in this stream of data anything that looks like a UNIX Epoch time (e.g., representing the recent times (any 10-digit number in quotes should do (1000000000
is 2001-09-09
as per env TZ=GMT-3 date -r1000000000 +%Y-%m-%dT%H%M%S%z
with BSD date(1)
))), and convert it all to ISO8601-like dates, with a small shell script snippet in perl
or BSD awk
without any extensive dependencies to do the transformation?
{"message":"Domains list","list":[
200 =0.126406s
200 =0.126406s
The best snippet so far has been provided by simbabque in a comment:
$ perl -MTime::Piece -pe 's/(\d{10,})/{localtime($1)->datetime}/ge' <<<'{"message":"Domains list","list":[{"domain":"example.org","created":"1443042000","regtill":"1632430800"}]}'
- you can pipe your curl through this. – simbabque 1 hour ago
I've further adapted it as follows:
(word, quote, colon, quote) and "\W{2}
(quote, not word twice), with (?<=\w":")
and (?="\W{2})
, respectively, to match UNIX Epoch time only as a JSON value of some keyword, and avoid any possible false-positives when random other data is streamed into the script;env TZ=GMT perl -MTime::Piece -e 'print localtime(1000000000)->datetime, "Z/", localtime(9999999999)->datetime, "Z\n"'
The simplest snippet:
curl ... \
| perl -MTime::Piece -pe's#(\d{10})#localtime($1)->datetime#ge'
Add lookbehind/lookahead for just the opening/closing quote symbols alone:
curl ... \
| perl -MTime::Piece -pe's#(?<=")(\d{10})(?=")#localtime($1)->datetime#ge'
Specify the timezone of the input data, more restrictive JSON-specific lookbehind/lookahead, and also insert linebreaks for each domain in the list, to make it more user-readable:
curl ... \
| env TZ=GMT-3 perl -MTime::Piece -p \
-e 's#(?<=":\[|["\d]},)(?={")#\n\t#g;' \
-e 's#(?<=\w":")(\d{10})(?="\W{2})#localtime($1)->datetime#ge;'
Sample test run of the final solution for the overall transformation -- works on any stream of data, ignores anything that's not a JSON, would never give any errors on invalid JSON:
% printf '{"list":[{"d":"abc","c":"1443042000"},{"d":"xyz","c":"1000000000"}]}\n' \
| env TZ=GMT-3 perl -MTime::Piece -p \
-e 's#(?<=":\[|["\d]},)(?={")#\n\t#g;' \
-e 's#(?<=\w":")(\d{10})(?="\W{2})#localtime($1)->datetime#ge;'
This solution is more flexible than the other solutions that presume that the input is a valid JSON, because it can also be used in instances where a single curl
command is used to make more than a single request, which wouldn't be a valid JSON, since JSON can only have one root element. It also works with curl --write-out
(e.g., curl -w '\n%{http_code}\t=%{time_total}s\n'
), which, likewise, would not be valid JSON, either. It's also more flexible because it doesn't even assume that the input data is in any specific format -- anything with the 10-digit numbers between \w":"
and "\W{2}
will be automatically converted from UNIX Epoch time to ISO8601 exactly as specified in the question.