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First time Deployment of Blazor solution with many multiple projects

I am very new and have been exploring coding for quite a while, and I have finally completed a simple vs solution containing multiple projects.

Running the solution now in VS Studio (2019 community) will launch IIS and 4 localhost sites in the browser:

  1. Data Controller ( api project with swagger)
  2. File Controller ( api project with swagger)
  3. Admin Portal (Blazor web assembly app project)
  4. Public Portal (Blazor web assembly app project)

Note that the projects have no authentication yet...also I am using EF Core Code-First, and have no idea how to use the builder.HostEnvironment so I hardcoded the data and file Http base addresses in the program.cs Main() of the admin and public blazor projects (e.g. builder.Services.AddScoped(sp => new HttpClient { BaseAddress = new Uri("...") }); )

I'd like to try deploying this solution to the cloud (say for example azure) please help me learn how to deploy this! 🙏🙏🙏


  • You can use azure static web app , its free but you have to register your credit card anyway , you can follow this tutorial . I deployed my first apps in azure by this way.