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Running the airplane prob simulation

I'm trying to run a simulation on R but I'm quite stuck; The simulation has to do with a variation of the Airplane Probability problem.

This is the scenario: A small 100 seat theatre is conducting a play, and assigns a random seat number (from 1–100) to the ticketed guests right before they walk in. There are 36 guests in total, who usually sit in their assigned seats. If their seats are occupied for some reason, they choose another seat at random. An actor who is part of the play messes this up by picking a seat out of the 100 seats randomly, possibly taking a ticketed audience's numbered seat.

I want to try and run this on R and try and answer the questions: What is the probability that the last person is in the wrong seat? and On average, approximately how many people will sit in the wrong seat?

Could someone help me with this? I added my code below and what I attempt to do is find the probability that the last person is in the wrong seat... I think there are errors in my code and I would love some suggestions/help to make it better!

#Following are the 2 empty vectors which we will use later to store some probabilities and other stuff
Probregister <- c()
Register <- c()
Person <- c(1:36) #this vector creates 100 people standing in que from 1 to 100.
Seat <- sample(1:100, 100) #this vector allots each one of them a seat randomly. These are the assigned seats.
Actualseats <- c(1:100) #these are 100 empty seats in the theatre yet to be filled. Each entry is a seat no.
Actualperson <- rep(0,36) #This is an empty vector. Here we will know who is actually occupying the given Actualseat.
Data <- data.frame(Person, Seat, Actualseats, Actualperson) 
Data$Actualperson[sample(1:100,1)] <- 1 #Selecting any seat from 100 empty seats in the theatre. 
#this next loop cycles the decision procedure given in question from 2nd person to 36th person.
for(i in 2:36) {
if (Data$Actualperson[Data$Seat[i]] == 0) {
  Data$Actualperson[Data$Seat[i]] <- i #If the seat assigned to ith person is empty then the person sits in it.
} else {
#This next line is very crucial piece and read it carefully.
#First square bracket selects only those seats which are empty. ie. Actualperson = 0  
#Second square bracket randomly chooses 1 seat from these empty seats for ith person to sit in.
  Data$Actualperson[which(Data$Actualperson == 0)][sample(1:length(Data$Actualperson[which(Data$Actualperson == 0)]), 1)] <- i #If their assigned seat is unavailable then they select randomly from remaining empty seats.
} #Here the loop ends for one trial. T

if(Data$Actualperson[Data$Seat[36]] == 36) {
  Register <- append(Register, "Yes", after = length(Register)) #if 36th person is sitting in his alloted seat then add "Yes" to the Register. 
} else {
  Register <- append(Register, "No", after = length(Register)) #if 36th person is not sitting in his alloted seat then add "No" to the Register.
Probability <- length(Register[which(Register=="Yes")])/length(Register) 
Probregister <- append(Probregister, Probability, after = length(Probregister)) 

Probsummary <- summary(Probregister) 
plot(density(Probregister), col="red") 
abline(v = Probsummary[3], col="blue") 


  • This is a simulation I perform. p is probability that actor remove the seats. You may change this as n and remove n <- floor(100 * p) line in function.

    func <- function(p){
      x <- c(1:100) #stands for seats
      y <- c(1:36) #stands for 36 person's seats, consider it as 1~36 cause it doesn't matter
      correct <- rep(NA, 36) #dummy vector to record if person seat on correct seat
      fin_passenger_dummy <- rep(NA,36) #dummy vector to record final passenger seat on correct seat
      n <- floor(100 * p) #number of seats that an actor remove
      yy <- sample(y, 36) #order of persons 
      actor <- sample(x, n) #id's of removed seats
      seats <- setdiff(x, actor) #id's of remained seats
      for (i in 1:36){
        if (yy[i] %in% seats){
          correct[yy[i]] <- TRUE #append that yy[i] seat on his seat
          fin_passenger_dummy[i] <- TRUE #append that yy[i] seat on his seat
          seats <- setdiff(seats, yy[i]) #update remaining seats 
        } else{
          y_sad <- sample(seats, 1) #randomly choose seat to seat 
          correct[yy[i]] <- FALSE
          fin_passenger_dummy[i] <- FALSE
          seats <- setdiff(seats, y_sad)
      return(list(total = correct, final = last(fin_passenger_dummy)))

    To get the probability that the last person is in the wrong seat, replicate this function for enough time and take mean of $final. For example, letting p = 0.3 means an actor remove 30 seats,

    dummy <- c()
    for (i in 1:1000){
      dummy <- c(dummy, func(0.3)$final)
    [1] 0.532

    And to get "On average, approximately how many people will sit in the wrong seat",

    dummy <- c()
    for (i in 1:1000){
      dummy <- c(dummy, sum(func(0.3)$total))
    [1] 11.7015

    will do.

    If you need more description about the code, pleas let me know