I want to upload pdf file, and create (as a separate file) a thumbnail image with first 3 pages of the pdf aligned horizontally. I managed to do a Paperclip Processor with RMagick to generate that file, but the problem is: I want the seperate file (the one with style for thumbnail) have the right extension (ex. jpg) not original pdf. It would be great if I could still get the correct path by using the url method with style, for ex.:
>> attachment.url
=> "/some/path/id/original/test.pdf" # original file
>> attachment.url(:pdf_thumbnail)
=> "/some/path/id/pdf_thumbnail/test.jpg" # jpg file, not pdf
Some code:
module Paperclip
class PdfThumbnail < Processor
def initialize(file, options = {}, attachment = nil)
@file = file
@instance = options[:instance]
@current_format = File.extname(@file.path)
@basename = File.basename(@file.path, @current_format)
def make
dst = Tempfile.new([@basename, 'jpg'].compact.join("."))
pdf = ::Magick::ImageList.new(File.expand_path(@file.path))
image = pdf[0..2].append(false)
image.format = 'JPG'
return dst
has_attached_file :file, :styles => {:pdf_thumbnail => ""}, :processors => [:pdf_thumbnail]
It ends in doing:
$ tree .
`-- 46
|-- original
| `-- test.pdf
`-- pdf_thumbnail
`-- test.pdf
$ file 46/original/test.pdf
46/original/test.pdf: PDF document, version 1.4
$ file 46/pdf_thumbnail/test.pdf
46/pdf_thumbnail/test.pdf: JPEG image data, JFIF standard 1.01
So files are good, but I want a different extension for pdf_thumbnail
Any help? Or maybe another way/cleaner code?
I didn't test this, but how about:
has_attached_file :file, :styles => { :pdf_thumbnail => ["", :jpg] } ...
According to the Paperclip docs the second item in the array should force the format, although it does not specify if it works with custom processors also. But worth a shot.