pls pardon the bad way I program at the moment, I'm very new to programming.
Okay, let's say I making a simple dnd dice roller(cause I am). I made it so it rolls a bunch of random numbers based on how many dice they want rolled and the type of dice. it then sends it to a text view, one at a time believe. I wanted to add a short delay, so I asked stackOverFlow, and got a handler working I believe; however, for the same reason I needed delay for in the first place. It only shows the last number rolled on the display with a now short delay between button presses. I would like show the user each number rolled one at a time with a short delay between each.
Example of the code without handler:
else if (numTimesRolled.progress <= 4) {
for (i in 0 until numTimesRolled.progress + 1){
randNum = Random.nextInt(1, diceIsComfirm)
resultsArray[i] = randNum.toString()
randNumDisplay.text = resultsArray[i]
randNumResultsDisplay.text = "Rolled ${resultsArray.joinToString(" ")}"
Outputs: the last number rolled
Examples of where I tried to use a handler:
else if (numTimesRolled.progress <= 3) {
for (i in 0 until numTimesRolled.progress + 1){
randNum = Random.nextInt(1, diceIsComfirm)
resultsArray[i] = randNum.toString()
var runResults = Runnable {
randNumDisplay.text = resultsArray[i]
var delayResults = Handler()
delayResults.postDelayed(runResults, 1000)
//for (i in 0 until numTimesRolled.progress + 1){
randNumResultsDisplay.text = "Rolled ${resultsArray.joinToString(" ")}"
else if (numTimesRolled.progress <= 3) {
for (i in 0 until numTimesRolled.progress + 1){
randNum = Random.nextInt(1, diceIsComfirm)
resultsArray[i] = randNum.toString()
for (i in 0 until numTimesRolled.progress + 1){
var runResults = Runnable {
randNumDisplay.text = resultsArray[i]
var delayResults = Handler()
delayResults.postDelayed(runResults, 1000)
randNumResultsDisplay.text = "Rolled ${resultsArray.joinToString(" ")}"
Output: both run as normally, but with a delay on the last numbers of the many rolled for each time the button is pressed.
I tried making the whole for loop as the "Runnable," but that was just me being stupid looking for solutions.
PostDelay doesn't wait for the amount of time. It posts a message to a handler specifying when it should do something. To get what you want, each postDelay runnable has to post another post delay.