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DiscordJS Commando TypeError: Cannot read property 'on' of null

Got a ticket command that I used with an old command handler, and I edited the code to make it work with DiscordJS Commando v12.5 and it says TypeError: Cannot read property 'on' of null, there is only one spot in the code where i say 'on' and thats for a reaction listener. Here is the code:

const Commando = require('discord.js-commando')
const Discord = require('discord.js')

const channelId = '873769980729106442'
        const thumbsup = '👍'
        const thumbsdown = '👎'
        let registered = false

        const registerEvent = client => {
            if (registered) {

        registered = true

        client.on('messageReactionAdd', (reaction, user) => {
            if ( {

            const { message } = reaction
            if ( === channelId) {

module.exports = class TicketCommand extends Commando.Command {
    constructor(client) {
        super(client, {
            name: 'ticket',
            group: 'misc',
            memberName: 'ticket',
            description: 'Sends a suggestion to the staff',

    run(userMessage, args, text, client) {

        const { guild, member } = userMessage
        const syntax = `${guild.commandPrefix}ticket <Message>`


        const channel = guild.channels.cache.get(channelId)
        const newTicketEmbed = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
        .setTitle('SUCCESS\n\nCreated a new ticket: ')
        .setFooter(`Click the ${thumbsup} icon to delete this message.`)
        channel.send(newTicketEmbed).then(ticketMessage => {
            ticketMessage.react(thumbsup).then(() => {

            const replyEmbed = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
            .setDescription(`<@${}> Your ticket has been created!\n\n**${args.join(' ')}**`)
            .setFooter('While the community votes, expect a reply from staff soon!')
   => {
                newMessage.react(thumbsup).then(() => {


The code was working perfectly fine before using it with Commando.


  • it says TypeError: Cannot read property 'on' of null, there is only one spot in the code where i say 'on' and thats for a reaction listener.

    Looks like the code below is fine, you somehow passed null as client while calling registerEvent from run method of TicketCommand: run(userMessage, args, text, client). If your guild is available, then you can pass the client from guild like: registerEvent(guild.client)

    run(userMessage, args, text, client) {
        const { guild, member } = userMessage
        const syntax = `${guild.commandPrefix}ticket <Message>`
        // rest of the code