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Error when updating database from datatable after adding New Row ADODB to ADO.NEt

I am attempting to convert code to ADO.Net and I am running into an error on updating. Here is the old code:

    Private Sub TrackStandardUnit(ByVal iMode As Short, ByVal sSpecies As String, ByVal sProdDesc As String, ByVal sLength As String, ByVal sMultiLgth As String, ByVal sGrades As String, ByVal sCure As String, ByVal sSurface As String, ByVal sThick As String, ByVal sWidth As String, ByVal sgUnits As Single, ByVal iFtg As Short, ByVal iPcs As Short, ByVal iStdPcs As Short, ByVal iStdFtg As Short)
    Dim sNewProd As String
    If Len(sGrades) = 3 Then
        sNewProd = sProdDesc
        sNewProd = $"{Mid(sProdDesc, 1, 2)}({Strings.Left(sGrades, Len(sGrades) - 1)}){Mid(sProdDesc, 5)}"
    End If

    Dim sSql As String = $"SELECT * FROM tblStdUnitTracking WHERE Species = '{sSpecies}' AND ProdDesc = '{sProdDesc}' AND StdUnits = {sgUnits}"

    Dim bLgths As Boolean = StdUnitLgthUsed(sThick, sWidth, sSpecies, sGrades, sCure, sSurface) ' Lengths present in std unit file
    If bLgths = True Then ' If lengths present in std unit file
        sSql = $"{sSql} AND Length = '{sLength}' AND MultiLgth = '{sMultiLgth}'"
    End If

    Dim rsUnit As ADODB.Recordset = NewRs()
    OpenRsOptimistic(sSql, rsUnit)
    If rsUnit.RecordCount = 0 Then
        rsUnit.Fields("Species").Value = sSpecies
        rsUnit.Fields("ProdDesc").Value = sNewProd
        rsUnit.Fields("StdUnits").Value = sgUnits
        If sgUnits = 0 Then
            rsUnit.Fields("PieceCnt").Value = 0
        ElseIf iStdPcs > 0 Then
            rsUnit.Fields("StdPieceCnt").Value = iStdPcs
            rsUnit.Fields("StdFootage").Value = 0
            rsUnit.Fields("PieceCnt").Value = iPcs
        ElseIf iStdFtg > 0 Then
            rsUnit.Fields("StdFootage").Value = iStdFtg
            rsUnit.Fields("StdPieceCnt").Value = 0
            rsUnit.Fields("PieceCnt").Value = 0
        End If
        If bLgths = True Then                                           ' If lengths present in std unit file
            rsUnit.Fields("Length").Value = sLength                         ' Save length info
            rsUnit.Fields("MultiLgth").Value = sMultiLgth
        Else                                                            ' Else - no lengths
            rsUnit.Fields("Length").Value = ""
            rsUnit.Fields("MultiLgth").Value = ""
        End If
    End If
    rsUnit.Fields("Count").Value = rsUnit.Fields("Count").Value + 1
    Catch ex As Exception

    End Try

End Sub

Here is the new code:

  Private Sub TrackStandardUnit(ByVal iMode As Short, ByVal sSpecies As String, ByVal sProdDesc As String, ByVal sLength As String, ByVal sMultiLgth As String, ByVal sGrades As String, ByVal sCure As String, ByVal sSurface As String, ByVal sThick As String, ByVal sWidth As String, ByVal sgUnits As Single, ByVal iFtg As Short, ByVal iPcs As Short, ByVal iStdPcs As Short, ByVal iStdFtg As Short)
    Dim sNewProd As String

    If Len(sGrades) = 3 Then
        sNewProd = sProdDesc
        sNewProd = $"{Mid(sProdDesc, 1, 2)}({Strings.Left(sGrades, Len(sGrades) - 1)}){Mid(sProdDesc, 5)}"
    End If

    Dim sSql As String = $"SELECT * FROM tblStdUnitTracking WHERE Species = '{sSpecies}' AND ProdDesc = '{sProdDesc}' AND StdUnits = {sgUnits}"

    Dim bLgths As Boolean = StdUnitLgthUsed(sThick, sWidth, sSpecies, sGrades, sCure, sSurface) ' Lengths present in std unit file
    If bLgths = True Then ' If lengths present in std unit file
        sSql = $"{sSql} AND Length = '{sLength}' AND MultiLgth = '{sMultiLgth}'"
    End If

    Dim dtUni As New DataTable
    Dim constring As String = GetDbConnectionString(gDataPath & "Lisa.mdb", "")
    Dim con As OleDbConnection = GetOleDBConnection(constring)
    Dim cmd As OleDbCommand = GetOleDBCommand(sSql, con)
    Dim daX As New OleDbDataAdapter(cmd)

    dtUni.TableName = ("AddStdUnit")

    Dim dtBuilder As New OleDbCommandBuilder(daX)
    daX.UpdateCommand = dtBuilder.GetUpdateCommand()

    Dim r As DataRow = dtUni.NewRow
    If dtUni.Rows.Count = 0 Then
        r("Species") = sSpecies
        r("ProdDesc") = sNewProd
        r("StdUnits") = sgUnits
        r("Footage") = 0
        If sgUnits = 0 Then
            r("PieceCnt") = 0
        ElseIf iStdPcs > 0 Then
            r("StdPieceCnt") = iStdPcs
            r("StdFootage") = 0
            r("PieceCnt") = iPcs
        ElseIf iStdFtg > 0 Then
            r("StdFootage") = iStdFtg
            r("StdPieceCnt") = 0
            r("PieceCnt") = 0
        End If
        If bLgths = True Then                                           ' If lengths present in std unit file
            r("Length") = sLength                         ' Save length info
            r("MultiLgth") = sMultiLgth
        Else                                                            ' Else - no lengths
            r("Length") = "0"
            r("MultiLgth") = "0"
        End If                   ' THIS IS WHERE YOU STOPPED, IT IS NOT UPDATING TO THE MDB BELOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    End If
    If IsDBNull(r("Count")) = True Then
        r("Count") = 0
        r("Count") += 1
    End If

        daX.AcceptChangesDuringUpdate = True
        daX.Update(ds, "AddStdUnit")

    Catch ex As Exception
    End Try

End Sub

Getting an "Invalid Insert Syntax" at "daX.Update(ds, "AddStdUnit")" and when I check the "daX.UpdateCommand.CommandText" all the values are "?" but when I view the table data in "dtUni" the row was added and populated, it just won't update to the actual database with the updatecommand.

What am I doing wrong here?

Here are the CommandTexts for insert and update right before daX.Update(ds, "AddStdUnit") is called:

"UPDATE tblStdUnitTracking SET Species = ?, ProdDesc = ?, Length = ?, MultiLgth = ?, StdUnits = ?, StdFootage = ?, StdPieceCnt = ?, PieceCnt = ?, Footage = ?, Count = ? WHERE ((Species = ?) AND (ProdDesc = ?) AND (Length = ?) AND (MultiLgth = ?) AND (StdUnits = ?) AND (StdFootage = ?) AND (StdPieceCnt = ?) AND (PieceCnt = ?) AND ((? = 1 AND Footage IS NULL) OR (Footage = ?)) AND ((? = 1 AND Count IS NULL) OR (Count = ?)))"

"INSERT INTO tblStdUnitTracking (Species, ProdDesc, Length, MultiLgth, StdUnits, StdFootage, StdPieceCnt, PieceCnt, Footage, Count) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"

Notice all the "?'s".

And here is the DataTable Visualizer of dtUni right before the update command is called: datatable visualizer


  • "Count" is a reserved word which was throwing the invalid INSERT syntax when trying to use the daX.update command. Changed the field and all references to "xCount" and the ADO.Net code version above worked just fine. A commenter who deleted his comment for some reason is the one to thank for this answer.