The code below
plastic_train_image_folder = torchvision.datasets.ImageFolder(plastic_dir, transform=transforms)
throws the following error:
Could not find any any class folder in /Users/username/Documents/Jupyter/archive/Garbage classification/Garbage classification/plastic.
Yet, there are files there. The code below prints 482
list_plastic = os.listdir(plastic_dir)
number_files_plastic = len(list_plastic)
Why is this error happening?
As you can see in the documentation, the ImageFolder
class expects images to be within directories, one for each class of interest:
A generic data loader where the images are arranged in this way:
root/dog/xxx.png root/dog/xxy.png root/dog/xxz.png root/cat/123.png root/cat/nsdf3.png root/cat/asd932_.png
Your images are probably in the root directory, which is not the way it is expecting, hence the error.