Search code examples

Remove empty results with jq

I want to remove the empty results and it currently looks like this

  "profile": "test1",
  "services": [
      "name": "app",
      "version": "1.3.2"
  "profile": "test2",
  "services": []

I don't want test2 to be presented since it's empty. This is the command im currently running

cat data.json | jq '.[] | {profile: .profile, services: [.clusters[].services[]| select(.taskdef[] | .name=="app" and .version=="1.3.2") | .taskdef[] ]}'

And this a sample of data.json

    "profile": "test1",
    "clusters": [{
            "cluster": "test1-cluster1",
            "services": [{
                "servicename": "cluster1-service",
                "taskdef": [{
                    "name": "app",
                    "version": "1.3.3"
            "cluster": "test1-cluster2",
            "services": [{
                "servicename": "cluster2-service",
                "taskdef": [{
                    "name": "app",
                    "version": "1.3.2"
    "profile": "test2",
    "clusters": [{
        "cluster": "test2-cluster1",
        "services": [{
            "servicename": "cluster1-service",
            "taskdef": [{
                "name": "app",
                "version": "1.4.0"


I have been experimenting with select( lenght > 0) but i cant get the syntax correct.


  • You could simply append the following to your existing pipeline:

    | select(.services!=[])

    Or you could rewrite the query:

    | [.clusters[].services[] 
       | select(.taskdef[] | .name=="app" and .version=="1.3.2") 
       | .taskdef[] ] as $services
    | select($services!=[])
    | {profile, $services}