I am starting to work on automating API requests using ROBOT framework and came across the below issue.
I have this JSON data
"password": "123456789",
"username": "test@test.com"
I want to put the above in a variable and generate a token as a response.
Previously I had used the below
${body}= create dictionary username=test@test.com password=123456789
I got the below error response HTTPError: 415 Client Error: Unsupported Media Type for url:
Can someone help me on this please.
Updated Code
*** Settings ***
Library String
Library Collections
Library RequestsLibrary
*** Variables ***
${prod_url} localhost:3000/api
*** Test Cases ***
User login and token generation.
Create Session demo ${prod_url}
${body}= create dictionary username=test@test.com password=123456789
${header}= create dictionary Content-Type=application/json
${login}= post on session demo /login data=${body} headers=${header}
log to console ${login.content}
Above is full code. What I need is the username and password needs to be in JSON format because My API is accepting only those values..
Instead of the data
argument, try passing the dictionary to the json
${login}= post on session demo /login json=${body}
When you use the data
, the library passes as-is the string representation of the object - and in python a str of a dict is {'password': '123456789' ,...
- e.g. it uses single quotes, not double ones, which is an invalid json.
Passing the dict to the other argument, json
, will make it convert to the proper format.