I´m currently trying to add a custom field to the default address fields (firstname, lastname, etc...)
The field should be used, to set a salutation for the customer.
For this purpose I used the following filter:
add_filter( 'woocommerce_default_address_fields', 'custom_woocommerce_address_fields' );
function custom_woocommerce_address_fields($fields) {
$fields['salutation'] = array(
'label' => __('Anrede', 'woocommerce'), // Add custom field label
'placeholder' => 'CA12345678', // Add custom field placeholder
'required' => true, // if field is required or not
'clear' => false, // add clear or not
'type' => 'select', // add field type
'options' => array(
'Herr' => 'Herr',
'Frau' => 'Frau',
'Firma' => 'Firma'
'priority' => 1, // add priority
'class' => array('billing-salutation-input')// add class name
return $fields;
Saving the custom field:
add_action( 'woocommerce_checkout_update_order_meta', 'save_new_checkout_field' );
function save_new_checkout_field( $order_id ) {
if ( $_POST['billing_salutation'] ) update_post_meta( $order_id, '_salutation', esc_attr( $_POST['billing_salutation'] ) );
When I look at the order details, the new field won´t show up under the default address fields.
So I used the following code to show the new data.
add_action( 'woocommerce_admin_order_data_after_billing_address', 'show_new_checkout_field_order', 10, 1 );
function show_new_checkout_field_order( $order ) {
$order_id = $order->get_id();
if ( get_post_meta( $order_id, '_salutation', true ) ) echo '<p><strong>Anrede:</strong> ' . get_post_meta( $order_id, '_salutation', true ) . '</p>';
However, the field is always displayed at the bottom and I can't find a way to bring the field to the desired position (image)
Do I have to use a different hook to display the data at the desired location (billing details)?
Or do I have to edit a specifc woocommerce template?
The output is a string, which uses <br/>
to separate the order billing address details.
So there are 2 possible views:
company_name<br/>Firstname Lastname<br/>street<br/>1<br/>1000 Location
Firstname Lastname<br/>street<br/>1<br/>1000 Location
There are several possibilities that you can apply to answer your question, but the easiest is to edit the string via the woocommerce_order_get_formatted_billing_address
filter hook.
Note: we are going to check whether there is actually a billing company, and adjust our result based on that.
Note: adjust $order->get_meta( '_your_meta_key' );
to your needs.
So you get:
function str_replace_first( $search, $replace, $subject ) {
$pos = strpos( $subject, $search );
if ( $pos !== false ) {
return substr_replace( $subject, $replace, $pos, strlen( $search ) );
return $subject;
* Filter orders formatterd billing address.
* @since 3.8.0
* @param string $address Formatted billing address string.
* @param array $raw_address Raw billing address.
* @param WC_Order $order Order data. @since 3.9.0
function filter_woocommerce_order_get_formatted_billing_address( $address, $raw_address, $order ) {
// Get meta
$value = $order->get_meta( '_your_meta_key' );
// When empty, return
if ( empty ( $value ) ) return $address;
// Get billing company
$billing_company = $order->get_billing_company();
// Not empty
if ( ! empty ( $billing_company ) ) {
$address = str_replace_first( '<br/>', '<br/>' . $value . '<br/>', $address );
} else {
$address = $value . '<br/>' . $address;
return $address;
add_filter( 'woocommerce_order_get_formatted_billing_address', 'filter_woocommerce_order_get_formatted_billing_address', 10, 3 );
company_name<br/>meta_value<br/>Firstname Lastname<br/>street<br/>1<br/>1000 Location
meta_value<br/>Firstname Lastname<br/>street<br/>1<br/>1000 Location
Used in this answer: https://stackoverflow.com/a/2606638/11987538