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How to reduce the time_starttransfer (TTFB) with AWS EC2

My website is on AWS EC2.

I checked the TTFB (Time to First Byte) with this command:

curl --output /dev/null --silent --write-out "time_namelookup=%{time_namelookup}\ntime_connect=%{time_connect}\ntime_appconnect=%{time_appconnect}\ntime_pretransfer=%{time_pretransfer}\ntime_redirect=%{time_redirect}\ntime_starttransfer=%{time_starttransfer}\ntime_total=%{time_total}\n" --url

Here is the result when I run the command on my computer:


Here is the result when I run the command on the on the webserver itself:


I noticed that in both cases, the longest time is time_starttransfer. how can I reduce this time?

What is time_starttransfer?

The time, in seconds, it took from the start until the first byte was just about to be transferred. This includes time_pretransfer and also the time the server needed to calculate the result.

My website config

My website link is:

It is a Grav CMS witch run with EC2 + ServerPilot + PHP7

Amazon Machine Image (AMI)
Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS (HVM),EBS General Purpose (SSD) Volume Type. 64 bits (x86)

EC2 instance type

Web server

Programmation language

Reverse proxy

I already use Opcache which is enabled as you can see here :

About CDN, i already use Grav CDN Plugin. (

My website logs (requests/min.)

  1 00:02
  1 00:38
  1 00:54
  1 01:06
  1 01:12
  1 01:23
  1 03:49
  1 04:32
  1 04:57
  6 05:15
  1 05:17
  1 05:31
  1 05:37
  1 06:08
  1 06:32
  1 07:30
  1 07:38
  1 07:55
  1 08:31
  1 10:07
  1 10:35
  1 10:52
  1 10:59
  1 12:53
  1 13:00
  1 14:18
  1 14:28
  1 14:29
  1 14:48
  1 16:05
  1 18:40
  1 19:20
  1 20:24
  1 20:30

i.e., on average 1 request / minute

Test(s) performed

  1. Trying to run the TTFB test against a static file that Php does NOT host

I carried out the TTFB test on 'main.js' file.

Here the result:


Analysis of the result:
The result is satisfying (time_starttransfer=0.003983). But I think this result is due to the weight of the file which is light compared to the entire site. We can deduce that the problem is rather on the side of PHP rather than NGINX.

  1. Running top and free commands to check what's running / what's using resources, what don't I need?

Here the result for top command:

| %Cpu(s):  | 4.0 us,      | 0.3 sy,     | 0.0 ni,     | 95.7 id,         | 0.0 wa, | 0.0 hi, | 0.0 si, | 0.0 st |
| MiB Mem : | 978.6 total, | 75.8 free,  | 332.2 used, | 570.6 buff/cache |         |         |         |        |
| MiB Swap: | 512.0 total, | 427.2 free, | 84.8 used.  | 461.7 avail Mem  |         |         |         |        |

I took the result when i reloaded my website to check the CPU %.

Here the result for free command:

|       | total   | used   | free   | shared | buff/cache | available |
| Mem:  | 1002052 | 334392 | 83368  | 16940  | 584292     | 478628    |
| Swap: | 524284  | 86784  | 437500 |        |            |           |

Analysis of the results:
I maybe should use t3.micro not t2.micro - slightly faster and slightly cheaper.(?)


  • To improve performance and decrease the TTFB, I performed these improvements:

    1 - PHP caching is critical

    You should run a PHP opcache and usercache (such as APCu) in order to get the best performance out.

    2 - SSD drives

    SSD drives can make a big difference. Most things can get cached in PHP user cache, but some are stored as files, so SSD drives can make a big impact on performance. Avoid using network filesystems such as NFS.

    3 - Cleaning the CSS

    UnCSS is particularly important here. This tool examines all used CSS-selectors from a set of files and removes all selectors, not in use. You might think this sounds error-prone and unnecessary, but used intelligently it’s the most efficient reduction of a CSS-file possible.

    4 - Optimizing the server

    The server I host also supports Gzip-compression, and I set Expires-headers to avoid having the browser load files unnecessarily.

    5 - Use a CDN

    A CDN like CloudFront, CloudFlare or MaxCDN can be used to cache data closer to users. (content delivery network) Non-cached content can be retrieved from an origin.

    The use of CDN can reduce asset delivery time from 30 to 3 seconds.

    For Cloudfront users : don't hesitate to configure the CDN to cache your dynamic content

    6 - Choose the good instance family (for AWS users)

    For very small website, you should prefer t3.micro than t2.micro - slightly faster and cheaper.